Many people have been telling us they miss and want the print edition of Muskoka Seniors Magazine back. While the digital edition has been convenient for those with computers and internet access, there are still those that don’t have access to either. And we want to help but can’t do it alone.
Given that most businesses are still reeling from the impacts of COVID, depending on advertising like we have in the past is not an option to bring back print with at this point. But we can do it if we have enough subscriptions.
We want to give seniors the opportunity to have at least access to the print edition again through subscription (where it goes to your hands only). If we can get 500 subscriptions, we can do it.
So, if you are one of those people that misses the print edition and would like to subscribe, we’ve set up a page where you can do so with $33.99 and enter “subscribe” in the message box with your name.
If you would rather simply donate, you can do that too, as we have a goal set on the page as well, and whichever we get to first (250 subscribers or $5000) will be what we go with to get the ball rolling with the print edition for you again as soon as possible.
We’re really proud that we’ve been an important part of something you look forward to in the community and would love the opportunity to continue to provide print copies to you. Plus you’ll get more than you bargained for…
In addition to the subscription, the benefits to you upon reaching our goal include:
A ‘your hands only’ magazine that goes directly to you (zero exposure in public facilities and related COVID risks) (Value: Infinite)
FREE gift of the Digital Activity Package, (value $20.00)
$5.00 off your next subscription of the print edition (value $5.00)
A FREE listing for a birthday or anniversarry of your loved one (Value $30.00)
The chance to win a $25 dining gift card, with a choice of multiple popular restaurants to treat yourself to (Value $25.00)
Satisfaction from knowing you contributed to helping seniors without online access!
Total Value: $80.00
CLICK HERE to the page to subscribe or donate now:
Everything is transparent for all to see – you can keep track of how we’re doing and see how close we’re getting to our goal.
Even if you can help by sharing our goal and link to a few friends, it will help bring us all that much closer.
COVID has been tough on everyone, and we would love to be able to at least give seniors back something that was meaningful to them, and they can come off the pandemic with something to look forward to and get excited about again.
P.S. For those that didn’t get the winter edition, here you go… Our gift to you:
Winter, 2021:
Thank you,
Muskoka Seniors Magazine